Monday, June 29, 2015

Longing For Paris Book Review

I'll be super honest here, being a stay at home homeschooling mom can be downright boring and lonely. The mundane tasks never end and the children are always needy. I'm often wondering if this is all there is to life - teaching math, wiping noses, changing diapers, potty training (help me now!), washing clothes, cooking meals, cleaning, the list goes on and on. I've always been a dreamer and that hasn't changed after having kids. But what do I do with my dreams now? Do I need to give them up to raise kids? Is there a way to reconcile my reality with my longings? About a month or 2 ago, I got tired of being tired of the mundane so I started thinking about how to remedy the day to day monotony of motherhood. Since we are in the month of summer, these are the ideas I started mulling over: taking the kids swimming (all 3 alone - gasp - this was a completely new concept for me - ha), frequent library trips for their special events and just getting new books to read, and activities at home such as crafts and cooking. Low and behold in the midst of my thoughts, I came across an application to be on Sarah Mae's new book launch team. Having read her book, Desperate, I was excited to read her new one. So, I applied, and to my surprise, I was chosen to help get the word out about her new book. I had the privilege of reading this book ahead of time, and I felt she was in my head!
The things I was pondering about motherhood and monotony she addressed in this book. Chapter 2 is called "Everyday Adventure" and talks about having simple, inexpensive adventures with your kids. Oh my goodness, exactly what I was thinking. Isn't God amazing like that? This book is a must read for sure. It feels like you are sitting down with a cup of tea while your friend tells you of her experiences and longings and how she learned to be content with her season of life. My absolute favorite part of this book is located at the end of every chapter and is called "An Invitation to Paris." This is where Sarah Mae gives you a super simple, fun way to bring a sense of Paris (adventure) into your life right now. Seriously, such fun! I cannot recommend this book enough. You can pre-order your copy, HERE!

 Here are some of my favorite quotes in the book.
 “A fully alive people living for the living God can accomplish much in the world, but a half-dead people will just survive.”

 “I love who I am because I was made with love. And I want to be fully me so that my God can be fully glorified.”

 “Our bents, our personalities, our skill sets are not accidents. God put them into us for His glory and purposes. To not accept how God made us would be to deny His glory.”

 “Your destiny is not be be in pain, but to walk in confidence and know who you are as His son or daughter.”

 “God cares about our dreams, because He cares about us.”

 “I was made for Tuscany. I was made for Paris. I was made for all the beauty in the world because…I was made for heaven.”

 Check out Sarah Mae's Facebook page HERE. And her Instagram HERE.

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