Monday, June 8, 2015

2015-2016 Curriculum Choices

My youngest will be starting "Tot School" this year. I got the schedule idea from THIS site. I'm doing mine a little bit differently.
On Mondays when I introduce a new letter, I will read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and let her add a letter to our tree. Then I'll let her color a picture of that letter. For the color and animal days, I will show her the new item and have her color a picture. I'll introduce shapes and numbers on that day. Since she is so young, I'm going super simple.

 My middle will be entering Kindergarten and I'm going to have him join in with my oldest when we do Bible, history, science, art, music, etc.
So here is our list for Kindergarten and 2nd grade:
Bible: Grapevine Studies Old Testament Overview Level 1
 Habit Training: Laying Down the Rails with emphasis on: Attention, Health, Manners, Gentleness, and Thoroughness.
Reading & Narration: Heidi
  History: We will be studying the period of American History about westward expansion. We will be doing this through biographies and hand on projects. The first book we will be using is Who Was Daniel Boone?
Geography:  Tree in the Trail by Holling C. Holling
Artist Study:  We will be studying American Folk Art using this coloring book from Dover.
Music:  We will use YouTube to listen to American folk songs
Poetry:  Eric Carle's Animals, Animals
Science:  Berenstain Bears' Big Book of Science  (My oldest will do a more in-depth report or project in addition to reading the book)
Nature Study:  Once a week we will take a nature walk and draw or write in nature journals.
Art:  We will use and

My Kindergarten solo subjects:
Language Arts:  Abeka's A Handbook for Reading
Handwriting:  I'm not using a curriculum for this
Math:  Horizons Math K

My 2nd grader solo subjects:
Language Lessons;  Queen's Curriculum Language Lessons for the Very Young
Handwriting:  I'm not using a curriculum for this
Writing & Composition:  Writing Journal
Math:  Horizons Math 2

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